3 Reasons People Quit Skateboarding And How To Overcome Them

There are several reasons people quit skateboarding and many of these can easily be overcome. If you’ve worked this hard to get this far in your skating abilities, quitting is not worth it whatsoever. Here are 3 reasons people quit skateboarding and how to conquer each:

  1. It’s difficult and you’re not getting better

    • A couple things can help you overcome this struggle. First, remember to always have fun when you are skating. Skateboarding is all about having fun so if you are not doing it for that reason, you are not skating for the right reason. Second, you probably are getting better but you just don’t realize. For example if you are just practicing the same tricks and aren’t learning new ones, you are still likely getting better and more consistent at that same set of tricks you are practicing. And if that isn’t enough to give you some piece of mind, just try learning some basic things that you have never tried before - it will unlock a new skillset I promise!

  2. No friends to skate with and keep you motivated

    • If you don’t have friends to skate with at the moment, they will come eventually. The more you go to the park and skateboard in your local community, the more friends you will make. Therefore, put yourself out there. If it isn’t your local community where you are making friends, post your skating for the world to see. You can make lots of skateboarding friends on the internet!

  3. Fear: scared to get hurt

    • Falling is part of skateboarding and a lot of the time if you are experienced enough and know how to fall, you shouldn’t have much to be afraid of. However, remember YOLO. Seriously, you only have so much time in your life to ride skateboards, so if you don’t go for that trick you’ve been dying to hit, you will only look back at it later in life with regret. That being said, do not feel the need to go full send today. Ease your way into more intense obstacles or tricks by leveling up one step at a time. Keep pushing yourself out of your comfort zone in a safe manner until the uncomfortable is comfortable.


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