The Best Place To Buy A Skateboard

The best place to buy a skateboard could be your local skate shop. However, not all skate shops are built equal and some are definitely less for the sport than others. My local skate shop for example, other than the Zumiez a couple miles down the road, is primarily a head shop and the employees are less than helpful. I typically avoid going there and Zumiez because of the high prices. Skateboards are definitely less affordable when you buy them at a skate shop because in addition to the cost of goods sold, the shops need to generate enough revenue from skateboard sales to keep the lights on and pay the rent or property taxes for the shop space. That’s why when I first really got into skateboarding, I started to buy boards and equipment on Amazon. They say support your local skate shop, but when you are a skater, you are often looking for the most affordable option, and that happened to be the case for me.

However, now I try to never purchase skateboards on Amazon. There are a number of ecommerce brands and companies in the skateboarding industry that are on the rise where you can get a potentially better deal on all kinds of skateboarding equipment. In my opinion though, the best place to buy your skateboards online is And that’s because that is the ecommerce brand I just launched this summer while I was recovering from a broken fibula. To be honest I am just getting started on How To Skateboards LLC, so although I would like to consider my brand to be the best online skate shop, it is a work in progress. But there are many other websites out there where you can find skateboards at a good price while supporting a small business.

Skate Warehouse is a good one I used to buy from often and I know a lot of people that shop on CCS. Whatever you do though, just avoid Amazon and any big box retailers like Target or Walmart. You are more likely to get better quality skateboards from a legitimate online skateboard company that specializes in a variety of skateboard equipment. Also, by buying from these online skate shops you are supporting relatively small businesses that fuel the skateboarding industry, compared to publicly held companies that will always be around for things other than skateboarding.


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